Health Diseases

Pediatric Cardiology and Health
The 25th International Conference on Pediatric Cardiology and Health will analyze recent advances and new ways to advance research and development to advance treatment in pediatric cardiology. Pediatric Cardiology 2019 deals exclusively with heart diseases in children. The cardiac conference will affect an attractive moment to meet pediatric cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, pediatric surgeons, investigators, scientists, young researchers, regulatory experts, pharmacogenetic experts, laboratory directors, and others who remain immersed in the learning and practice of child health science. World-renowned speakers, the latest techniques, tactics and the latest updates in the field of pediatric cardiology are the hallmarks of this conference. Pediatric Cardiology 2019 is one of the world's most important scientific conferences with members from all over the world focused on learning about pediatric cardiology and health. Pediatric Cardiology 2019 will be held on April 22-23, 2019 in Madrid, Spain. According to Forbes 2013, Madrid was ranked as the ninth most expensive city in the world by Mercerand has one of the largest urban economies in the world, is ranked as an alpha global city by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network, and is also one of the fastest growing tourist destinations in the world by MasterCard Global Destination Cities Index. Key features of the conference: • Plenary lectures and panel discussions • Presentation of posters • Networking in an informal atmosphere • Scientific partnerships and B2B meetings • Young Scientist Awards & Best Poster Awards The dystopia of a COVID vaccine We are on the edge of history, in a global society where there is great suffering and injustice due to the widespread commitment to have entire populations injected with COVID vaccines that the government says are safe. As shown below, the number of deaths and adverse health effects of all COVID vaccines actually increases. However, governments do not believe many of the dire health effects of vaccines, no matter how many respected doctors and medical researchers present evidence to halt vaccination efforts. The political and medical establishment still use the same callous argument. Regardless of how many people die from vaccines — often within days of being stung — those in power claim that more lives are saved from the use of COVID vaccines than lost because of them. So many thousands of people around the world have died from the strikes, probably 100,000 or more based on figures from the CDC, the European Union and other countries. However, the negative effects of vaccines are largely ignored by major media, the public health system, and authoritarian politicians. Some famous people are sneaking into the public limelight as they die for footage from sports, entertainment and politics. But those are easily forgotten or ignored. Or, statistically speaking, considered exceptions. New analysis of all major vaccines The physician J. Bart Classen published an extremely valuable analysis. He examined clinical trial data from all three major vaccine manufacturers and found that their vaccines do more harm than good. Here are the highlights from his article. The data were "reanalyzed using 'all cause serious morbidity', a scientific measure of health, as the primary endpoint. 'All cause serious morbidity' in the treatment group and the control group were calculated by summing all serious events reported in the clinical trials. Serious events included both serious COVID-19 infections and all other serious adverse events in the treatment arm and the control arm. This analysis gives the reduction in serious COVID-19 infections the same weight as adverse events of the same severity. The results demonstrate that none of the vaccines provide a health benefit and all key studies show a statically significant increase in 'all cause severe morbidity' in the vaccine group compared to the placebo group.' In other words, he found that each of the vaccines caused more serious events in the immunized group than in the control group. No security. This was his main conclusion: “Based on these data, it is certain that mass immunization of COVID-19 harms the health of the population in general. According to scientific principles, mass immunization with COVID-19 vaccines must be stopped immediately because we are facing an imminent vaccine-induced public health disaster.”

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