Showing posts with label diabetes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diabetes. Show all posts

Friday 9 December 2022

Commercial and handmade soap

  • Many of us have used commercial soaps since childhood and were always taught that if we want to get clean, they must be harsh and full of detergents and other ingredients. As we've gotten older and started taking better care of our skin, we've started to realize that these harsh, chemical-laden soaps aren't so good for us after all. With all that our skin goes through on a daily basis, shouldn't we be using a natural and organic soap that nourishes our skin without all those added chemicals? Here at Pure Soap, so and wanted to help you decide by creating this article that shows the differences between handmade natural soaps like ours and commercial soaps. Main ingredients Commercial soap ingredients: Parabens phthalates Petrochemicals Synthetic perfume Artificial coloring Composition of organic handmade soap: Healthy oils Essential oils Honey, aloe, oatmeal, etc. How to make both Commercial soap production: Mass produced Made in a factory Production of natural soap: Locally made Small Made with care Healthy oils: contrary to popular belief, oil is actually an important ingredient in soap, especially if you have oily or acne-prone skin. Essential oils: scented natural soaps are usually formulated with an essential oil to produce a natural, harmless smell. Honey, Aloe, Oatmeal, etc.: Natural soaps are made from organic, biodegradable ingredients that are harvested, produced or sourced in a safe and conscious way. Unlike chemical additives, the consumer can easily understand what these ingredients are and how their body will react to them As the largest and only external organ of the human body, your skin comes into contact with pollutants every day. Besides to the dirt and bacteria it touches, the skin also absorbs any chemicals in the soaps you use to wash. Verdict: maybe commercial soaps aren't so clean after all? Let's find out in our comparison of natural soap vs. commercial soap. MAIN INGREDIENT DISPLAY It is important to educate yourself about harmful ingredients before purchasing soap products. You want to refresh your skin, not pollute it with chemicals. If you can't pronounce the words on the back of the label - put the product away! HARMFUL INGREDIENTS OF COMMERCIAL SOAP Parabens: otherwise known as chemical preservatives, these harmful ingredients are found in most commercial soaps and beauty products. Petrochemicals: made from petroleum, these chemicals should be considered dangerous to humans because little is known about the long-term effects they have on our health. Many of us have been using commercial soaps since childhood and were always taught that if we want to get clean, they must be harsh and full of detergents and other ingredients. As we've gotten older and started taking better care of our skin, we've started to realize that these harsh, chemical-laden soaps aren't so good for us after all. With all that our skin goes through on a daily basis, shouldn't we be using a natural and organic soap that nourishes our skin without all those added chemicals? Here at Pure Soap, so and wanted to help you decide by creating this article that shows the differences between handmade natural soaps like ours and commercial soaps. Main ingredients Commercial soap ingredients: Parabens phthalates Petrochemicals Synthetic perfume Artificial coloring Composition of organic handmade soap: Healthy oils Essential oils Honey, aloe, oatmeal, etc. How to make both Commercial soap production: Mass produced Made in a factory Production of natural soap: Locally made Small Made with care Added oils such as coconut oil, grapeseed oil or olive oil help nourish and hydrate the skin, bringing it back to its natural PH levels. Essential oils: scented natural soaps are usually formulated with an essential oil to produce a natural, harmless smell. Honey, Aloe, Oatmeal, etc.: Natural soaps are made from organic, biodegradable ingredients that are harvested, produced or sourced in a safe and conscious way. Unlike chemical additives, the consumer can easily understand what these ingredients are and how their body will react to them As the largest and only external organ of the human body, your skin comes into contact with pollutants every day. Besides to the dirt and bacteria it touches, the skin also absorbs any chemicals in the soaps you use to wash. Verdict: maybe commercial soaps aren't so clean after all? Let's find out in our comparison of natural soap vs. commercial soap.
    MAIN INGREDIENT DISPLAY It is important to educate yourself about harmful ingredients before purchasing soap products. You want to refresh your skin, not pollute it with chemicals. If you can't pronounce the words on the back of the label - put the product away! HARMFUL INGREDIENTS OF COMMERCIAL SOAP otherwise known as chemical preservatives, these harmful ingredients are found in most commercial soaps and beauty products. Petrochemicals: made from petroleum, these chemicals should be considered dangerous to humans because little is known about the long-term effects they have on our health.

Sunday 4 December 2022

Tips To Work From Home During The Coronavirus Crisis

Tips To Work From Home During The Coronavirus Crisis Now let's talk about what the concept of working from home is and how to improve it with some basic tips: A very important factor is that no one should be causal with their way of working from home. One should understand that it is very important to get the feel of the office. Try to keep the space very formal like one chair and a table along with the necessary stationery. Another important factor now is the timing of your work, which will decide the level of interaction you allow with your family members or others. When working from home, you need to concentrate on work and give your work largest attention. Make sure you eat right and on time so that it doesn't interfere with your work. If possible, avoid overeating at home such as junk food or any fatty foods that can affect your immunity. As we all know that we have not yet created a cure for the coronavirus, we must take all precautions. Setting aside the right time to eat can help you save time and avoid other distractions from work. Since we are all not very friendly to work from home, it is obvious that we will encounter different kinds of distractions when working from home. They can range from unwanted calls with friends, uninvited conversations, interactions on social media or sometimes an emergency, so we need to take note of all these distractions beforehand. Make sure you tell your parents and other family members about your work schedule so they don't distract you or interfere with your work. Because you work from home doesn't mean you have to disconnect from the rest of the world. Is it socializing, marketing or networking, digital marketing has got it all covered, so make the most of digital marketing? Create a proper time schedule to help you plan and execute your work on time. You can divide the work into measurable and small pieces that will lighten your workload. "A very beautiful quote about the work quoted by Benjamin Franklin "if you don't plan, you plan to fail”. Since you will be working alone from home, you need proper support for yourself to excel in your work, keep yourself motivated enough. Be your own critic and when you achieve any goal you have set for yourself, analyze your complete plan and work before marking yourself. Set goals, plan them and achieve them. Keep in mind that you should be your admirer as well as your critic to help you increase your productivity when working from home.

Friday 2 December 2022

8 foods that fight chronic pain in type 2 diabetes

8 foods that fight chronic pain in type 2 diabetes Diabetics struggle with chronic pain. This is a known problem, as neuropathy is the number one complaint in a long-term diabetic. So anything that helps us fight chronic pain will get our attention. Here is a list of eight foods that fight chronic pain in type 2 diabetes and why they work so well. Olive oil Olive oil is the number one spice in the Mediterranean diet. This oil has been tested down to the smallest molecules and its benefits are proven. It is full of antioxidants that specifically inhibit the pain mechanism. Olive oil may be one of the biggest reasons why the Mediterranean diet is so good for diabetics. Saturated fats in the Western diet are known to fuel inflammation, so switching to olive oil will reduce your chronic diabetic pain. Whole grains Whole grains like whole wheat and quinoa are high in fiber. This fiber helps you lose weight and moderates high carbohydrates that raise blood sugar and trigger an inflammatory response. Fiber also reduces insulin production. And whole grains are full of vitamins and minerals that processed grains lack. Take magnesium for example. Whole grains have an excess of it. Magnesium reduces muscle pain, making whole grains one of the foods that fight chronic pain. Salmon Omega-3 fatty acids in salmon and some other cold-water fish help fight chronic pain. They also have vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin. Low levels of vitamin D cause chronic joint and muscle pain.
Most of us don't get enough sunlight, so any source of vitamin D will help reduce neuropathy. There is enough vitamin D in three ounces of salmon to provide half of the recommended daily allowance. This makes it a chronic pain fighter. Yoghurt The high levels of calcium and vitamin D in dairy foods build stronger bones, reducing the likelihood of skeletal problems. But dairy products are also known for their inflammatory effects. As type 2 diabetics, most of us avoid drinking milk. Lactose is a type of sugar and cheese is loaded with calories. In addition to calorie and insulin issues, dairy products can worsen chronic pain by increasing inflammation. What are you doing? One solution is yogurt. It contains enzymes that facilitate the digestion of milk. This reduces the inflammatory effects. So you can get the calcium and vitamin D you need, as well as all the other good stuff that's in yogurt. Read labels and watch for added sugars, and try a good Greek yogurt for higher protein. Turmeric and ginger Turmeric is used in Indian and Thai cuisine and has been shown to reduce arthritis inflammation. In research studies, it worked better than anti-inflammatory drugs and better than ginger. Ginger has an analgesic effect similar to aspirin. People take it as a supplement for nausea and dizziness, but it also works to reduce arthritis pain. It is therefore among the foods that fight chronic pain. Spinach Spinach and arugula are full of vitamin K, which supports strong bones and healthy joints. It also reduces pain. One cup of raw spinach contains more than 100% of the daily requirement of vitamin K. Be aware that vitamin K is also a natural blood thinner. This means you need to talk to your doctor if you are already taking a blood thinner such as warfarin or daily aspirin. Let him know if you eat vitamin K-rich spinach or arugula every day.

Four Reasons why adding Exercise to your daily Routine can improve your Diabetes

We know that adding exercise to our daily lives can make a huge difference in our overall health, but how does it affect our blood sugar levels? It has been found that regular exercise can help us better control our blood sugar levels and thus better manage type 2 diabetes. Exercise can help support type 2 diabetes for more than one reason. You can walk if that's all you're able to do, but it's important because exercise gets the blood flowing. If you can't walk, move your hands, fingers, toes, ankles, arms, and legs while sitting. By moving, you help everything flow better in your body. Incorporating exercise into your daily routine helps… Four Reasons why adding Exercise to your daily Routine can improve your Diabetes:- 1. Improve blood sugar levels. Yes, believe it or not, exercise can help improve blood sugar levels. Not only can it help regulate blood sugar, but exercise can also help improve insulin sensitivity, which is an important part of preventing or reversing type 2 diabetes. 2. Promote a healthy weight. A big part of supporting healthy blood sugar levels is maintaining a healthy weight. Exercise is a great way to keep your weight in check, and it doesn't take much!
You don't have to spend hours in the gym, or even go to the gym. A simple brisk walk every day can be enough. 3. Reduce stress. Whether you have type 2 diabetes or not, managing your stress levels is key to supporting your overall health. Exercise can reduce stress levels because it releases endorphins, which are the feel-good hormones you get after a workout. Get into the habit of moving your body every day, whether it's yoga, a walk, or one of your favorite exercise classes. 4. Improve your sleep. While you may think sleep has nothing to do with blood sugar regulation, it does! When you don't sleep well, your hormones and blood sugar levels suffer. You may also crave junk foods, which can lead to you eating more sugar than you should. Exercise can improve your sleep habits, so try to do at least a little bit of exercise every day so you can sleep better every night and be awake the next day! If you don't exercise or haven't recently because you don't want to spend the money or hours at the gym, you don't have to! You can work out in the comfort of your own home by pressing play on a home workout video or online fitness class, or you can go for a walk. It doesn't matter how you move your body, just get out and move! The more you move, the better you'll feel and the more likely you'll start making healthier choices, which can significantly improve your blood sugar and type 2 diabetes outcome. By moving, you help get things flowing better in your body, which is better than taking pills that artificially stir things up. Although type 2 diabetes can be very challenging to manage, it is not a condition you just have to live with. Make simple changes to your daily routine – include exercise to help lower blood sugar and weight.

health diseases in 2023

As we begin 2023, the world is facing a variety of health diseases and challenges that continue to affect millions of people around the glob...