Sunday 11 December 2022

Long Term Effects of the Corona Virus

The long-term effects of the virus are becoming apparent. Security practitioners feel vulnerable and afraid to go to work, especially now that cases are on the rise. Victims of the virus, even those with mild attacks, may experience recurrent episodes, develop viral fatigue, and develop bronchial complications. I have been experiencing strange symptoms like fatigue, cough and breathing problems for several months to recover, I was tired for several months, unable to breathe and persistent cough which is getting better. My brother is now suffering from clinical depression, as I'm sure others are too, after months of severe isolation. Of course, depression is caused by losing family members and friends to the virus. This is happening to thousands of people in this country and around the world. In the early days, the number of deaths in nursing homes was extraordinary; hopefully it will be a lesson if there is a second wave this season. Families have been torn apart by members of the virus, and children will lose their parents and grandparents. Of course, another cause of depression caused by the virus is financial damage. Loss of jobs, and thus income, fear and uncertainty. Despite the financial support provided by the government, many face difficulties in not participating in various schemes. This will inevitably lead to an increase in homelessness.
These are not just statistics, they are real people who have worked all their lives to support their families. Some build businesses and struggle to make a profit. This challenge must be fatal to many who can no longer endure. The possibility of a global financial crisis could not have been imagined by anyone. Divorce rates rise, some estranged relationships collapse due to foreclosures and subsequent financial problems. The number is expected to quadruple in the coming months. Food banks are struggling to cope with the number of people desperately trying to feed their families. Waiting lists for treatment of cancer and other medical problems are increasing daily as hospitals are overwhelmed with Covid patients. What can we all do to stop the spread of the virus and prevent a second wave this winter? Be serious about wearing a mask, wash your hands and stay away from life, follow the rules and don't be selfish like the waves and parties do. The sooner we bridge the gap, the better we can all benefit from living a new normal. Isolation and loneliness in the last few months is not only lonely, especially for those who are alone and in shelters, and those who lost loved ones in the hospital and could not visit. Let's be careful and follow the rules and advice for our own good and the good of all of us.

Better sleep with constant pain

If you suffer from chronic pain, you know what sleep and anxiety can do. Unfortunately, these all come together and cause various health disorders such as poor sleep, anxiety, negativity, low self-esteem and sometimes despair. Chronic pain has many causes, including injury, illness, social stress, and long-term physical or emotional stress. Chronic pain not only causes sleep deprivation and many other health problems, but if left untreated, it can become a negative and unwanted burden on a person's life. This type of pain causes the brain to work without periods of rest. Just 15-20 minutes of relaxation a day can bring relief not only for the mind, but also for the body, especially on days when stress and pain are high. In fact, relaxation is like a sedative; relaxed and very helpful. Sleep is important not only for a better body, but also for the mind, soul, brain and other parts of the body. It's very important to improve your health, but be careful when you can't sleep. You can sleep and sleep, but you have to do your best to sleep. If you like to watch TV for hours, eat a lot of food, drink too much water or alcohol, play with your phone or laptop before going to bed, then you will have difficulty sleeping.
Also, if you suffer from chronic pain and struggle with sleep, you will suffer from depression, negativity, hopelessness and insecurity the next day. Take it to heart now and just in case. There is nothing wrong with the mind. Mistake, lack of sleep. There are things you can do throughout the day and night to ensure you get the best sleep possible, despite chronic pain or anxiety. First, do lots of positive and productive things every day. Make a list and cross off the things you do. Eat healthy snacks and sandwiches throughout the day. Drink plenty of water. Water nourishes the brain and aids in digestion. Also, take action! Standing and walking; If you can't go outside, walk inside and do some light exercise. Get out and get some fresh air. If you can't stay outside for too long because of the weather, stay outside for a few minutes. If it's too cold or too hot, open the nearest window and bask in the sun. Do not look directly at the sun. Just look where there is light. Do it for at least five minutes. This will help you sleep at night. Throughout the day, keep your conversation positive and upbeat and try to make at least one or two people happy. Listen to beautiful music or some funny things online. It will help more than you know. Take prescription medications or over-the-counter medications for chronic pain; pain reliever. Also, keep in touch with the people you love. Talking with concerned relatives or friends can make your day brighter and your night calmer, more peaceful, and more enjoyable. Don't let constant pain and anxiety rule your days and nights! Take control of your health - mental and physical! Yes, sometimes the pain and anxiety feels like it will not go away, but it will! Be strong in your health! Answer and don't give up! If you are a Christian and believe in God, remember, He will help you, but you have to ask Him for help. Know this! He will help you because he loves you. I have suffered from anxiety and chronic pain for over 15 years and there were times when I gave up. But at this point in my life, I refuse to give up because life is precious and I want to enjoy it as much as possible.

Get rid of acne scars fast

People wonder if there is a way to get rid of acne scars fast. The answer is absolutely correct. The important thing to remember when getting rid of acne scars fast is that washing your face is not the only part of your skin care routine. Yes, your quest for skincare perfection is never-ending. In fact, there are many things to consider even when it comes to acne breakouts. The first thing to consider is preventing acne from recurring. So, keep using your acne medicine. Cleanse your skin every night. Stop picking at your pimples because you know they can cause scarring. Again, don't let multiple attacks add to your track. So stick to benzoyl,, hormonal pills, or salicylic acid cleansers to prevent breakouts from recurring. It is also very important not to neglect your diet. It's okay to indulge your desires, but don't overdo it.
The second thing to remember is not to focus on pimples and acne scars. That's easy to say. However, when you're self-conscious about what and how you look because of scarring, it's important to remind yourself of poor skin care. It just takes time. Do you remember one day you took it yourself? Well, don't worry about your acne scars. Enjoy, entertain yourself and go to your movies, book and have lunch with friends, or go to the gym and workout sessions. At least do something productive to care for your skin. Third, exfoliate to stimulate the growth of new skin. Soften your scars with an exfoliating peel or scar cream. Such products will help reduce acne scars and discoloration. Follow the instructions as this product is stronger and rarely used. There are no over-the-counter products to get rid of acne scars completely and quickly. However, over time, such products can dry out your face. So be patient enough to wait for it to work. If you have chosen clinical care, what you need to do is. There is no doubt that this treatment has built a reputation for quickly removing acne scars. This more expensive but more effective treatment shows skin improving faster than you know.

Ways to treat high blood pressure

Do you know exactly how to treat high blood pressure without medication? Most people will see you eating healthy (take your salt) and working out. Unfortunately, most medical professionals tell you this and forget to tell you about other treatments that can lower your score and ultimately make you sicker. Do you know the best high blood pressure medication? Most people will find that you work out by eating a healthy and balanced diet (reduce your salt intake). Most doctors tell you this, they forget to tell you about other treatments that can lower your score and make you sicker at times. The truth is that training doctors in clinical schools is natural health, not a "right thinking" trick. Because the medical industry is completely dependent on pharmaceutical companies, drugs and anti-biotics only education. But new research has found that in some cases, medicine is not the only treatment. Some natural remedies are just as effective as drugs. Guest Post "Is There Something Doctors Don't Tell You?", persuasive to some.
High blood pressure remedies naturally High blood pressure medications (Diuretics, Beta Blockers, Alpha Blockers, and Vasodilators) are used because they lower your blood pressure. The problem is that you look healthy and fit, but do your numbers reveal the truth? The drug works by synthetically lowering the pressure in the arteries like blood. For example, diuretics make your blood less salty (less thick) and your blood pressure drops. Another example of course is beta blockers, which cause the heart to slow down. Although these drugs look good on paper, they do not cure so-called "wonderful" diseases. In fact, they may prolong your life, but they will never cure the disease. Statistics show that the client will eventually die. However, what if you usually deal with high blood pressure? 7 Tips Your Hypertension Doctor Won't Share With You: Do you want to understand 'how to treat high blood pressure'? This is quite different from taking an artificial blood thinner. 1. 3 Miracle Minerals - Supplement your diet with 3 miracle minerals that lower blood pressure. The minerals calcium, magnesium, and potassium have been shown to help lower blood pressure over several weeks. 2. Garlic - Garlic has been proven beneficial for the heart, lowers cholesterol and lowers blood pressure. A compound in garlic, allicin, is generally believed to lower high blood pressure. Find quality supplements today. 3. Folic acid - vitamin B found in green leafy vegetables, lowers homocysteine ​​levels in the blood. This vitamin reduces the risk of heart problems and reduces normal blood pressure. 4. Apple Cider Vinegar - Many or my clients have had success with apple cider vinegar, along with the minerals magnesium, copper, and potassium, and vitamins C, A, E, B6, B1, and B2. 5. Stress Relief - Did you know that there are many remedies for happy stress? Taking a break from physical activity, exercising, or checking a journal is an easy way to reduce stress and lower high blood pressure. 6. Your food! You know the Dos and Don'ts for lowering high blood pressure. Don't forget to eat soluble fiber (vegetables and fruits). Drinks, especially those that dissolve in water, will flush out your system as well as your mouth. Also, switch to whole grains! You will be anti-hypertensive with less writing in the channel! Our HBP report provides detailed information on how to manage high blood pressure through your diet. 7. Packed with antioxidants and studies show it lowers high blood pressure. Whether it's "relaxed" or organic herbs in green tea, 1 cup of eco-friendly tea can be valuable to your health!

Track your fitness

You have decided to get in shape and regular exercise has become your routine. However, after one or two weeks of such physical activity, you will not see the desired result in the mirror, and pressing the scale confirms this. That's why you give up after a while, give up on your goals and go back to sports. It's time to break this vicious cycle! The most important thing here is to understand that change is not a week. It takes time to progress, so you need to be patient and motivated along the way. The best solution for following your fitness goals is to track results. It is the biggest motivator to promote body transformation and exercise regularly. By tracking your fitness, your chances of achieving your goals are greatly increased and it helps you work and spend your time more efficiently. Therefore, our main task is to determine which method to measure fitness development is the most effective and should be included in the sports routine. Let us understand. 1. Keep a Travel Journal Tracking your fitness results can be easy as pie by keeping a regular journal. Paying attention to your exercise and diet doesn't take much time, but it will give you some insight. Do what works best for you. It can be a regular notebook, notes on your device, or even Excel spreadsheets - it's up to you. The key is to be precise and practice your writing. Show the exercises you do with the number of sets and repetitions. If your workout is intense, adjust the weight used. If you run, record your miles and run time. After physical activity, well-being is no less important. So, let us know how you feel after your workout: whether it's tiring or easy, exhausted or energized. A diary is also great for keeping track of your diet. Exercise is necessary, but without proper nutrition, it is meaningless. So, only by mixing these two components you will be successful. However, you need to be careful because tracking your daily intake can turn into obsessive calorie counting. To avoid this, we recommend that you only analyze your eating habits, without eliminating or including your eating habits. 2. Fitness trackers or software tools Living in today's world, we can take advantage of various technological innovations, and this also applies to the field of fitness. Track your results in minutes with a smart fitness tracker or an app on your phone. There are various options and X wrist is the leading name. If you count your steps and monitor your heart rate manually - stop doing it. Today, such measurements are difficult with fitness trackers. Choose the program that suits you best and you will enjoy monitoring your training progress. X-Wrist is an app that allows you to make healthy choices. The AI-based building system will allow you to log your food, set dietary goals, and plan your next meal. In addition, this tracker can monitor your sports activities at home and in the gym. You can also record workouts here and schedule future workouts. So, using a fitness tracker not only provides information about your physical performance, but also helps you maintain your health and become the best version of yourself. 3. Dress up As practice shows, a pleasant mirror can be the ultimate motivation. The best way to get inspiration is to try on clothes. For example, find a pair that you have been trying to fit and dress for a long time. Wearing jeans will show how far you are from your athletic achievements and goals. Pay attention to how you feel: clothes are too loose or too tight. For the most accurate results, we recommend choosing specific clothing items and measuring your performance every month. 4. Measurement Sometimes volume numbers can be deceiving, so remember that muscle weighs more. Therefore, it is important not to limit growth, but to measure to learn about gradual changes. It is enough to scare the daily grind. Record the measurements of your neck, shoulders, waist, biceps, chest, thighs and hips weekly with a tape measure. Also, time and measurement conditions play an important role, so make sure they are the same every time. 5. Check blood pressure Fitness development means more than just an attractive body shape. No matter what your goal is: lose weight or gain muscle, your blood pressure can give you a general picture of your health. Heart health is directly related to physical activity, diet, and blood pressure, which affects stress levels. With regular exercise, the body and cardiovascular system become stronger. Thus, blood pressure can be an indicator to reduce the risk of cardiovascular and chronic diseases. Blood pressure watch is the best solution to stay aware of your blood pressure index. 6. progress pictures Some people may think post-workout photos are a waste of time. However, it is a valuable experience. Looking in the mirror every day can change how we feel about our bodies. However, the latest developments can be hard to follow, so pictures will come in handy here. Taking a picture every week will have shown a remarkable difference in half a year.

Saturday 10 December 2022

Benefits of plastic surgery

 People usually need plastic surgery to improve their appearance. However, this is only one of the benefits of this practice. If you are thinking about this procedure, it may help to understand the benefits you can enjoy after the procedure. Let's look at some common benefits.

1. Higher self-confidence

If you look good, you can feel good. In other words, it will increase your confidence to try new things and face difficult situations. Apart from that, you can also participate in social activities.

2. good physical health

Also, undergoing plastic surgery can have a positive effect on your physical health. For example, if you perform rhinoplasty, you can breathe without problems. At the same time, it helps improve the shape of your nose.

Likewise, breast surgery can improve the appearance of your breasts. For example, if you get breast reduction surgery, you can reduce the physical discomfort caused by neck and back pain.

3. better mental health

Plastic surgery also offers many benefits for mental health. For example, you can experience the procedure with less social anxiety, which will give you more self-confidence. Therefore, you can better control your emotions. As a result, you will be in a better position to face new challenges in life.

4. More options

According to some studies, people who look attractive are more likely to take advantage of opportunities in life. For example, a 2012 study found that real estate agents with attractive personalities were able to get better deals than those with less attractive personalities.

Additionally, some studies have found that attractive people tend to get better jobs and get promoted more often.

plastic Surgury

5. Lose weight

If you have body contouring done, such as a tummy tuck or liposuction, you may lose weight after the procedure. In addition, positive results can motivate you to follow a healthy eating plan. As a result, you can control your weight.

A healthy weight can also help you keep your body healthy and avoid many diseases throughout your life. This is one of the biggest advantages of plastic surgery.

Today, people do plastic surgery for various reasons. After successful plastic surgery, you will enjoy many benefits. You never know how it can change your life. Below are some of the most common procedures people use:

  • Making a mother
  • Liposuction
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Face lift
  • Breast enlargement

In short, here is an overview of some of the common benefits of plastic surgery. I hope you can enjoy these benefits after a successful plastic surgery procedure.

Health is our immunity

 Our immune system is our body's first line of defense against foreign invaders. It is our body's natural defense and without it we cannot fight against microorganisms such as fungi, viruses, parasites and bacteria.

These health-destroying pests are everywhere, and our 24/7 immune system creates a protective barrier to prevent them from entering our bodies.

If one sneaks in, our immune system has a backup plan that sends out a flurry of chemicals and proteins, along with tons of white blood cells, all trying to find and attack the foreign antigen before it has time to replicate. .

A strong immune system helps keep all health problems at bay, from serious illnesses to the common cold. When operating at peak performance, it recognizes and responds to millions of antigens that produce what it needs to destroy.

"We were given an amazing immune system that was evolutionarily designed to be healthy," says Dr. Bruce Polski, MD, from Roosevelt St. Luke's Hospital in New York.

However, when we regularly engage in healthy habits/lifestyles, we weaken our immune system. This dangerous action opens the door for foreign invaders and the consequences are dire.

Simple healthy tactics such as frequent hand washing and avoiding close contact with sick people are obvious solutions that can help prevent our diseases. Being active in improving our immune system is another. Here are some tips to help keep your immune system in top shape:

Nutrient Dense Foods -

Vegetables, fruits, and other plants contain natural substances called phytochemicals (natural compounds found in plants) that give them their color and flavor. These phytochemicals act as powerful antioxidants that neutralize free radicals before they can be destroyed. It also serves as a soldier, supporting the immune system and dead cells damaged, protecting the body from damage and generating new, healthy cells.

All illnesses, diseases and infections are more difficult to prevent when the body is malnourished / malnourished. It is very good to choose and enjoy food from all food groups, and some protein in each meal and snack.

The right exercise -

The immune system is very responsive to exercise. After eating, it is one of the pillars that contribute to general health and strong immunity. It activates the sympathetic nervous system and increases heart rate, blood pressure and respiration, making us feel better and more energetic.

It stimulates our circulation, reduces anxiety and stress, slows down aging, and helps us live longer and better.

Recent research at the University of California-San Diego; The School of Medicine found that even 20 minutes of exercise has anti-inflammatory effects on our body, which in turn boosts immunity.

Reduce and Avoid Stress -

Our thoughts affect our health. Long-term chronic stress increases the likelihood of illness because it lowers the immune system. This type of emotional and mental exhaustion damages our immunity and health.

Deep breathing, meditation, and exercise can help reduce the effects of chronic stress.

Adopt a healthy attitude -

Although we cannot control all events in our lives, we can control our emotions/attitudes/responses to them. A positive, positive attitude (seeing the glass as half full, not half empty), expressing gratitude every day in all situations strengthens our immunity and increases all opportunities for positive results.

A smile heals -

Laughter is stronger than our understanding. It boosts our immune system to lower stress hormones, increase antibodies against infections, and stimulate the release of "happy" endorphins.

As a health bonus, it also works our liver, lowers our blood pressure, improves heart health and strengthens our T-cells. This is really "the best medicine".

According to Dr. Lee Burke, PH, Pro Loma Linda School of Medicine, "The best clinicians understand that there is an internal physiological intervention that is triggered by positive emotions such as good humor, optimism, and hope." Laugh often, free for all.

health diseases in 2023

As we begin 2023, the world is facing a variety of health diseases and challenges that continue to affect millions of people around the glob...