Monday 12 December 2022

Support your immune system

Boost your immune system at home A strong immune system is more important than ever during these times. I want to talk about some ways to fight the never-ending war of viruses in your body. There are many ways to help your body with its natural ability to protect itself. Most of this can be done by simply changing a few habits. Our body is like a complex recipe. Omitting or shortening just one ingredient can dramatically change the result. Your body is not unique. If we are lacking or deficient in certain "ingredients", we will not allow them to be the best. Helping the body protect itself from viral or bacterial attacks requires optimal fuel and exercise. I would like to suggest some ways to combat the attack of virus attackers. Food/diet What you put into your body is basically what you get out. Make sure you stay away from processed foods and stick to raw fruits and vegetables. water Believe it or not, water is a great way to protect and boost your immune system! Staying hydrated will help prevent bacteria and viruses from building up in your sinuses, nose, or mouth. Training Exercise is one of those things that can sometimes be "too much of a good thing." Good, vigorous exercise is a great way to keep your body and immune system strong. But exercising too much when you're sick or running can weaken your immune system. Sleeping This is important. Without sleep, your body is weak and makes you more susceptible to diseases. Avoid exposure to light from TVs, phones, or computers while on vacation. Also, most studies show that you need between 7 and 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Vitamins/supplements Here are some tips to help you stay strong and healthy during stressful times. Please let me know if I can help. There are at least 3 essential vitamins that you want to make sure you get enough of. Vitamins C, B6 and E have been proven to boost immunity. I also recommend thinking about vitamin D and zinc.

Homeopathic remedies for asthma

Homeopathy is a trusted science that offers a permanent cure for asthma. Homeopathic remedies work great to get rid of asthma at the root. This treatment activates the body's regenerative process, basically enhancing the natural recovery system and making it strong enough to fight the condition. When asthma is actually allergic, Homeopathic asthma begins by treating the hypersensitivity reaction that causes asthma to eliminate the cause. Homeopathic medical treatment is herbal, safe and free from any side effects. It can be prescribed to people of all ages. The most common Homeopathic remedies for asthma include Arsene Albeum, Antimonium Tart, Spongia Tosta, Ipecac and Drosera Rotundifolia.
Homeopathic remedies for asthma arsenic album Arsenic albumen is one of the best Homeopathic remedies for asthma. Signs and symptoms of Arsenic album use include persistent coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. If it gets worse after midnight, it is treated with this medicine. Another important indication for the use of arsenic album is bronchial asthma, alternating with skin eruptions or eczema. Spongia Tosta Spongia Tosta helps with dry cough asthma. In this case, the cough can be deep, hacking, hacking type. Excessive dryness of all airways involved in asthma. Wheezing in the chest on prescribed inspiration, accompanied by a dry cough. Breathing is also very difficult. In most cases, warm liquid provides relief from cough. Antimonium Tartaricum Antimonium Tartaricum is very good for asthma, asthma and cough. The cough is weak, hoarse, and full of lung volume. Mucus in the lungs increases with difficulty. Breathing is fast and labored. That's a superlative. Choking became worse and had to sit down. Ipecac and Sambucus Nigra Ipecac and Sambucus Nigra are good for treating asthma in children. Ipecac can be used when there is excessive coughing and irritation in the chest. Coughing is caused by wheezing, wheezing, and gasping for air. A child can turn blue and hard in additional attacks. The homeopathic remedy Sambucus Nigra is indicated for night episodes in children. A child who needs Sambucus Nigra suddenly wakes up at night coughing and wheezing. Dulcamara and Natrum Sulphuricum Dulcamara and Natrum Sulphuricum are very useful for asthma in damp weather. Among other things, Dulcamara is a high-quality prescription for weak asthmatic coughs in humid weather, and where people need to cough for a long time to get rid of the swelling. Natrum Sulphuricum is the most useful Homeopathic remedy available for a thick, stringy, intractable cough. Asthma Natrum Sulphuricum worse between 4 and 5 in the morning. Natrum Sulphuricum is one of the top Homeopathic remedies for treating children.

Do you know what to do when your child has asthma?

Anyone who has ever had asthma knows how scary it can be. One of the main symptoms of an attack is wheezing or gasping for air. This can be accompanied by coughing or wheezing and abdominal pain. Symptoms are often severe. Fear is the worst thing you can do at a time like this. Your child is already scared and needs someone to calm and soothe them and give them control over their breathing.
Step by step The next time your child has an asthma attack, take a few seconds to calm him down first. Remember that worried parents will only make things worse. Then, very calmly, let your child take a puff from the reliever inhaler. The recommended dose is to spray every 30 to 60 seconds. If there is a gap, use it to determine the correct usage. 10 puffs is the recommended dose, which means it should be taken over 5-10 minutes. If your child is still not breathing and struggling to breathe after the recommended 10 puffs, you should call 911 immediately so your child can get medical attention. What to do if symptoms persist If you find that the inhaler is not working to relieve your symptoms, do not hesitate to call an ambulance. Even if it works, if you're still worried, by all means get help. Of course, if your child doesn't have an inhaler at the time, you don't have to waste time wondering whether or not to call 911. It is very important to get on the phone and get help as quickly as possible. What to do if symptoms increase If your child's symptoms improve after regaining breathing control and using a reliever inhaler, you should schedule a follow-up appointment with your pediatrician. This is very important. If possible, make an appointment within 24 hours of the episode. Follow-up counseling after an episode allows the pediatrician to do a thorough evaluation to determine what caused it and whether to increase the child's dose or change the medication altogether. Depending on the results, your pediatrician will recommend what you can do to reduce the risk of future attacks.

Life expectancy Health Interval

Life expectancy vs. Health Space - If you've ever heard of these two terms, you probably know what the difference is. Healthy living and longevity: Are they the same? Can we do both? A long life does not mean a good life. New research has changed our understanding of aging. Instead of worrying about how long we live - our age - we now focus on our 'health span'. Ideally, our health span (functional, disease-free period of physical, mental, and emotional health) should be the same as our age. But statistics show that our health has been in steady decline since World War II, with more than 50 percent of adults suffering from one chronic disease or another. It is clear that progress in medicine and technology has increased life expectancy, but progress in prolonging our health still lags behind. Consider, for example, cancer, the second leading cause of death in the world. Although billions of dollars spent on research, it is just as deadly today as 20, 30 or 50 years ago.
The average person has a three-out-of-three chance of developing cancer and a three-out-of-three chance of dying. Three-quarters of the population falls into this category, and unfortunately, this number is expected to rise as the number of overweight and obese people reaches unprecedented levels. The truth is that even with more medicine, more hospitals and nursing homes, many people still suffer more than their parents. Living a lifetime without health insurance is a more expensive and less attractive option. If longevity will be added together with additional years of life, experts emphasize that the next chapter in medical development should be about "living as a doctor". This is great news because we have a lot of control and can adjust our lives to ensure that the range of our health is actually within our reach. A big part of staying healthy is eliminating the risk of these diseases. To reduce the risk of modern "lifelong diseases" such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer, a healthy lifestyle should start from childhood and continue into adulthood. So what can we do to improve our health? It is now clear that following healthy lifestyle habits such as proper exercise, a healthy diet (REAL food) and healthy lifestyle habits such as stress management, plenty of sleep and a healthy dose of sunlight is the formula needed to increase your "healthy range" ratio. . . " Focusing on lean body mass, which is the amount of lean muscle tissue we have, is very important, and many of us fail to realize that our muscles are more than just movement. Increasing muscle mass helps slow down aging, improve our performance, and improve our quality of life. Unfortunately, our increasingly busy world today does not offer enough "work" to keep our muscles strong. We literally sit all day and not enough to build muscle and stay active. The only way to ensure that we are getting enough of the right activity is to deliberately incorporate vigorous exercise into our lives and not stop doing it, no matter how old or young we are. Muscle health protects against metabolic and hormonal decline, insulin resistance, obesity and fracture risk. If left untreated, it will limit the range of health. Lean body mass is a good IOS biomarker because lean body mass is strongly influenced by other biomarkers such as metabolic rate, total body strength, bone density, and brain health. If we ignore this problem and do nothing about it, sarcopenia - a serious loss of muscle mass and strength - occurs. Strong, strong muscles maintain optimal blood sugar levels, improve heart strength and immune system health, keep bones and joints healthy, and improve cognitive function while slowing aging.

Sunday 11 December 2022

A cup of green tea every day

Blue tea or black tea? Which one is better? The level of oxidation of the leaves determines the type of tea. Green tea is made from unoxidized leaves and is one of the least processed types of tea. Therefore, it contains the most antioxidants and beneficial polyphenols and relatively little caffeine. Since most of the health benefits of tea are associated with antioxidants that kill free radicals, the choice should be clear.
This is the main benefit Oral Health: Helps in preventing bad breath, cavities and tooth decay. Antioxidants are also great for building strong gums and reducing plaque. Heart Health: Blood antioxidant capacity can be increased by green tea polyphenols and antioxidants. Along with catechins, it protects LDL particles from oxidation, one of the pathways to cardiovascular disease. Promotes Hair Growth and Protects Skin from Sunburn: Drinking green tea daily can promote hair growth and protect against sunburn. Skin pigmentation and radiance are proven. Lowers Cholesterol: Research shows that regular consumption of green tea reduces total and LDL or bad cholesterol. Due to the presence of a large amount of antioxidants, it increases the antioxidant capacity of the blood, which prevents the oxidation of LDL particles. Lowering cholesterol means reducing the risk of heart disease. Lose weight: Increase the metabolic rate and improve the body's ability to burn fat. It helps increase fat oxidation, which displaces fatty acids from adipose tissue and allows them to be used as energy. This leads to positive and healthy weight loss that can last longer. Scabies: Scabies is characterized by patches of dry, red, scaly skin caused by inflammation and overproduction of skin cells. Drinking green tea can slow down skin cell growth and inflammation. Detoxification: Helps remove toxins from the body. When unwanted waste is removed from the body, you will be refreshed with more energy and work more productively. Type 2 Diabetes: This is a great drink for diabetics as it contains zero calories and helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels. It helps reduce the risk of developing diabetes in people who are prone to diabetes. Carcinogenic Effects: Although not proven to cure cancer, studies have found that polyphenols in green tea can slow tumor growth and protect against the side effects of chemotherapy. Sleep and lack of sleep: Due to its low caffeine content, green tea does not disturb sleep. It also helps produce dopamine, an enzyme that stabilizes mood, and helps reduce stress and improve sleep.

Ogaoga as a way of life

Ogaoga is a broad, complex art form and is easily summarized as a comprehensive exercise for the individual. Despite the positive effects of yoga on the emotional, psychological and spiritual health of individuals. An insight into the life-changing effects of the art form on the psyche of the yoga enthusiast! You can understand and recognize the true meaning of Gaoga. Ogaoga is definitely more than a set of poses that improve flexibility by improving posture. This is something that helps create a connection between the individual mind and the divine mind. There are different types of gaoga that they are not aware of. Let's look at Ashtanga for example. Ashtanga yoga is an ancient practice that focuses on cleansing and purifying the body. This synchronization is achieved through breath and body movement. Ashtanga yoga tunes the nervous system and over time leads a person to spiritual practice. Similarly, the living master of Iyengar yoga, B.K.S. Iyengar. It focuses heavily on the art and science of asana and pranayama. Strength, coordination, increased flexibility and sense of well-being are some of the important benefits of Iyengar Yoga. Pranayama: The Path to a Higher State of Consciousness A very interesting term associated with yoga is Pranayama. Let us know more about it. Prana means vital energy in our body. It is the life force within us. Ayama means control. So Pranayama is breath control. With the help of pranayama, you can control the energy of prana in the body. This ensures a healthy body and mind. The great yoga master Patanjali spoke of Pranayama as a way to reach a higher level of consciousness. Kapalbhati: Implementation of Pranayama Kapalbhati is a form of yoga and pranayama. At first it seems like a breathing technique, but actually Kapalbhati has a deeper meaning. Kapalbhati is a cleansing technique that removes carbon dioxide. Kapalbhati also clears the restless mind. This technique was invented thousands of years ago by Indian yogis. It is considered as a way to achieve complete health of the body. Countless patients have benefited greatly by making Kapalbhati a part of their daily routine. Samas Namaskar: Day Salutation Let's discuss another important term related to yoga, which is Sun Salutation or Namaskar period. Jaman Namaskar is a ritual performed in the morning, when the sun rises. There are twelve poses in total where each pose flows easily into the next. Sura Namaskar can be performed at a faster pace or at a slower pace.
The unique feature of Sura Namaskar is that it is a complete body workout. Although it consists of only 12 exercises, Samas Namaskar translates into 288 powerful yoga poses. This happens between 12 and 15 minutes. Namaskar session burns 13.90 calories per cycle. Slowly and gradually you can increase the cycle of Surah Namaskar to 108. If done at a leisurely pace, a Namaskar tones the tone and strengthens the muscles. Alternatively, Sun Salutation harmonizes the mind, body and breath and facilitates a full meditative experience. If you do Shura Namaskar just a few times, it can be very good for the heart. If you want to do Surya Namaskar as a warm-up exercise, you can do it faster. As you build closer to nature, you'll discover natural resources that hold the key to lasting health and well-being. Welcome to the Goa Health Festival, 2018. We look forward to creating a wonderful experience for every valued guest.

Classic yoga

Ogaoga comes from India. Its history goes back to pre-Vedic times. The four Vedas are the oldest texts in India. Ogaoga has been found in the Vedas to show that the history is older than the Vedas. Those times are helpful for spiritual growth. In the review of previous yoga treatises, kriyas (techniques) are used for self-improvement rather than for improving health. Ogaoga is now used all over the world. It is used as a physical training system. Yoga kriyas are used to treat psychosomatic diseases like stress, depression, hypertension and other health related diseases. When we categorized the website, we found that yoga belongs to the Health and Fitness category. It is clear that it is a health-related topic. But it is not a health related topic. its dimensions are larger. To understand this dimension and derive maximum benefit from subtle kriyas, it must be examined from the perspective of ancient yoga treatises. For this one should study the classic yoga treatise. Ogaoga was taught by the ancient Indian Gurus without the thought or thought available to the disciples of that time. The amount available to the students is accepted by the Gurus. The amount or Guru Tetchana (amount given by the student) is decided by the students and not by the Gurus. Money was not the motive at that time. The Guru-Sysya (Teacher-student) system is broken today. Today it has become a profitable business. Ogaoga was institutionalized, which was not the case before. The head of the institution is the Guru and he will never give away his knowledge. Will hire some teachers with partial expertise in this subject. Therefore, students will not be able to get a complete education. Therefore, true knowledge is associated with those who will not give it to others for any reason. The origin of any yoga is the yoga treatise. Modern teachers choose one or several ancient yoga treatises and slightly modify them and give them new names. He will use this name for the patent. So, there are many brands of yoga and many institutions that sell those brands. The knowledge belongs to the ancient sages and yoga institutions sell it as a product.
If you are willing to put some effort into acquiring this knowledge by studying ancient treatises, you can avoid this intermediary. Modern teachers cannot learn from their own research. In fact, if all research is done, these findings are linked to the benefits of early creativity. There are thousands and thousands of yoga techniques in the scriptures. A person's life is not long enough to learn and practice them all. By studying them through the scriptures, we can understand them, familiarize ourselves with existing brands of yoga and practice some that suit us. Therefore, learning yoga is very important for anyone who wants to practice yoga. We now know that studying the Yogic scriptures gives us two benefits. We can understand yoga in a wider dimension to get greater benefits. We learn directly from the scriptures without intermediaries.

health diseases in 2023

As we begin 2023, the world is facing a variety of health diseases and challenges that continue to affect millions of people around the glob...